Hebrews Series 12:18-24
The normal christian life is access to God. The normal christian life is listening to God. The normal christian life is service...
The normal christian life is access to God. The normal christian life is listening to God. The normal christian life is service...
This is a question for us all. Will you sell your birthright? If you do, it may be too late...
Adversity and Discipline. Those are further parts of the normal Christian life – this life is also a race and...
Have you been drifting away from your loyalty to Jesus? Have you been departing from the living God?Are you casting away...
The Exodus story inspires us with a stronger yet perhaps more frightening Christianity. Dangers make us want to turn back...
In times of trial it is especially important for Christians to strengthen their faith. Our culture is post-Christian and you are...
Since Christians have hope and faith in God’s plans for this world, and those plans conflict with the plans of...
God is telling you that he will remake this world, so start living the resurrection. You keep your faith in...
If you embrace the heavenly city, then you won’t be living in loyalty to the earthly city. Some people make...
Your faith will have difficulties, but if you judge Him who promises faithful, then you may have a faith that...
God has called you to be a leaving Christian and not a looking over your shoulder Christian. You need to...
Faith is living like God is telling the truth in worship, in walking, and when under cultural pressure. What did God...
Faith is THE instrument God uses for your preservation over the long haul. Therefore, you must devote yourself to understanding...
Remember the former days. The Apostle Paul provides us with a spiritually advanced art of how to remember our past to...
If you dispose of your Christian faith, then you are not merely filtering out a belief, you are personally rejecting...
Christ has given you full access. Communion with God is restored, especially in corporate worship. Will you draw near? Will...
The sacrificial death of Jesus is effective. The sacrifices of the Mosaic law were never designed to make the Church perfect; but...
The Sacrificial Death of Christ Is Necessary. Do you eagerly wait for Jesus to appear a second time? Think of some things...
Don’t be fooled. Make a distinction between your consciousness of sin. You will until death or the return of Jesus be conscious, rightly,...
The Old Covenant Could not accomplish all God wanted to do for his Church nor was it designed for that....
The Jews were saying,“We are unsure if we should follow this Jesus. What about the temple and temple system?” The Apostle gives...
Jesus is a fitting high priest for you by qualification and exemption. Do you believe that Jesus fits you? What food of...
Jesus’ priesthood is greater by oath, and duration. God the Father appointed by oath our surety and He intercedes for us forever....
A new priest has emerged and the old is now gone. We don’t follow the old priest, we follow the new. The...
Ah! The same typology is present. Melchizedek was a whisper of Christ–Christ as priest, not according to the Levites, Christ...
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